Heartwarming Memories of Dr. Art Bacon with Tribute Exhibit Opening Reception at Heritage Hall

Thank you all for coming to Dr Bacon’s tribute exhibit opening reception. A huge thank you to everyone who made it happen: Over 40 individuals and institutions (including the Birmingham Museum of Art and Talladega College) lent us 64 art works. Several state and local organizations helped sponsor the event and the exhibit: Alabama State Council on the Arts, City of Talladega Government, Jemison Carnegie Foundation and The Historic Talladega Ritz Theatre.
Two announcements were wonderful highlights of a great evening: Ginny Livings, Ms Marian Yoe’s granddaughter, recently started painting in earnest and clearly has inherited Ms Yoe’s talent. She painted a tribute to Dr Bacon and presented it as a gift to Heritage Hall. And, if that is not enough, we are proud to announce the purchase of Mr David Baker’s portrait of Dr Bacon by the Jemison Carnegie Foundation, to become part of the permanent collection! The exhibit will continue on display through February 29th.
Melanie Armbrester organized, created and coordinated the wonderful refreshments and hosted the event with the help of Cathy Sparkman, Helen Sims, Mickie Small, Melinda Freeman, Mary Fountain, Becky Davis and Becky Griffin. Angie Smith playing the piano was a special treat; Nikki Baker is to thank for the exhibit design, graphics and marketing materials. Audra Grey (perplemudd.com) is working on a video of “Dr Bacon Stories”.
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