Katie Davis
Catherine (Katie) Davis was born and raised in Talladega, Alabama. She is a senior at the Univeristy of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), majoring in Art History with a minor in Fine Arts. She was first introduced to Art as a child by her grandmother, who liked to paint and draw herself and would often let Catherine help her with small crafts. Although their interests greatly differed, her grandmother was always passionate about and supportive of Katie’s artwork.
Although her works vary in medium, Katie mostly paints and draws, using a combination of materials such as graphite, ink, acrylic and charcoal. The focus of her artwork varies. Themes found in her art are often rooted in horror imagery, while others are based in other interest such as nature and architecture.
She admits that she was a ‘wimpy’ child who feared everything from the dark to trick-or-treating on Halloween. Her behavior changed with a new discovery; horror and science fiction films. She began watching movies with her Dad, who soothed her anxieties by explaining that the situations were not real and discussing the special effects used. Katie became fascinated by the special effects and film make-up and today is very skilled in Fantasy Make-up. While not all of her artwork is intended to be creepy, it is certainly a recurring descriptor.