Lindsey Moses
Lindsey was born 1982 in Talladega, AL to Marie and Gary Moses. She graduated Talladega High School in the year 2000. Moses received a two-year athletic scholarship to Shelton State Community College for Women’s Soccer. She then enrolled at the University Of Alabama graduating with a Bachelors degree in Advertising and minor in Graphic Design. Moses moved back to her home town in 2006 where she then began working alongside her mother at the family business, Talladega Fence and Glass. Though it was a commercial business, focused mainly on home improvements, there was a creative aspect to interior and exterior design that her mother introduced her to.
Moses was influenced by her creative parents and their entrepreneurial drive to create her own business. In 2009 she had the vision for LMo and Company and opened on the Historic Talladega Square in 2011. There is a tag line, which is stated on glass windows of the Gallery: “Art for the Community”. Art for the community is what LMo & Company’s goal has been, offering a cultural aspect for the community: Create every day is the motto. The Gallery offers numerous classes to adults and children in multiple art forms; from stained glass, mosaics, fused glass, pottery and painting to name a few. Her functional gallery has housed local artist and offered a venue for them to be seen.
This acrylic painting exhibited here of a Zebra is an example of this self taught artist. Although she has taken a few group classes, most of Moses’ work has come from practice and teaching as a learning tool for her. In this work she wanted to focus on creating a mood in the eyes and texture with the hair of this animal. Moses works in many other mediums from sculpting clay to piecing thousands of pieces of glass together to form a mosaic.
Moses owes her success in her artful business to her parents. This trio is in process of renovating an old building and moving LMo &Co to a new location in Talladega located at 304 East Street South. LMo & Co will begin new and improved adventures in creativity and group classes. Look for the Business to re-open in February 2022, where Lindsey will focus on handmade and gifting items for the public.