Stephanie Engels
Stephanie received a BFA from Cornell University in graphic arts and was accepted at both The Royal Academy in London and Yale University for graduate studies but accepted a position at an advertising agency in Boston, MA as a junior SAG/AFTRA contracts specialist instead.
She later owned a company: Creations in Paint, Inc. which provided specialty interior finishes, murals, and other commissioned work for a select group of luxury home builders, painting contractors, a handful of interior designers, and corporate clients. Artwork during this period consisted of landscapes, still life imagery, and figures – often with coded messages woven into the composition.
In the aftermath of 9/11, Stephanie’s art reflected subject matter with political overtones, or images of different populations of people mired in hardships: imagery that is both familiar and at times, uncomfortable.
Upon relocation to the south, the artist’s attention has been focused, in part, on the vestiges of segregation and continuing civil rights challenges.
The artist enjoys working in oils, acrylics, watercolor, and both color and graphite pencils or a combination thereof.